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Join Our Team!

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The Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) has two ways you can get involved and join our team: as a volunteer or an intern.

Becoming a peer advocate is a great way to get involved on campus, develop interpersonal and coaching skills and give back to our Bear Community.

It's easy to get started doing this important work. Check out the job descriptions below, submit an application and join us in addressing the affects of gender-based violence on campus.

How to Become a Peer Advocate

First fill out a written application below for either an intern or a volunteer in the Peer Advocacy Program. Once you have submitted an application, we will review your application and select qualified applicants for an interview based on their application materials. After an applicant accepts either their volunteer or internship slot, we conduct criminal and university background checks.

Timeline to apply for Fall 2024

Applications for the fall 2024 semester are now open!

We review applications as they are submitted, so the earlier you submit your application, the better. Every semester we host a 40-hour mandatory training* the week before classes start. Once this mandatory training week begins, we will not be able to accept additional applications. You will need to wait and apply for the next training cycle in fall or spring.

Applications will close once all positions have been filled.

Submit your completed application and resume to tara.diltz@programinn.com.

Interviews will be scheduled once a complete application is submitted. 

*All peer advocates are required to attend a 40-hour mandatory training. Inability to attend training week will disqualify your application.

Mandatory Fall 2024 Training: Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd

What ASAP Interns and Advocates Do

ASAP interns and volunteer advocates are UNC students who complete a mandatory 40-hour training program on sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking and advocacy, as well as attend meetings throughout the semester for continuing education. Throughout the semester, advocates/interns provide direct advocacy and crisis response to survivors at hospitals, courtrooms, police stations, residence halls and in the Title IX and ASAP offices and implement prevention education programming on campus. Our interns and volunteers also provide support via the phone on our crisis line and staff the front desk of the ASAP office.


If you have any questions or concerns throughout your application process, please feel free to email advocacy@programinn.com or contact the ASAP office at 970-351-1490.